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About us

Vize tance / The Vision for Dance unites  professionals who work in an independent way, whether they are individuals or organizations who work on the contemporary art scene in the field of dance and movement art throughout the Czech Republic.

Vision for Dance as a professional organization is a platform for all professions that are indispensable for the development of movement art: professional artists, playwrights, programmers and executive professions such as technicians, production and cultural managers, PR managers, fundraisers, etc., as well as for theorists and the critical community.


Vision for Dance creates networks, connects project-oriented professionals at the national and international level and its members include individuals as well as art companies and contributory organizations.

Vision for  Dance creates strategies for development in the field of dance and movement arts, deepen partnerships and lobbying, and is a platform for up-to-date professional information.

Vision for Dance promotes innovation, mobility, networking and help its members  to discover new horizons and new ways of working.
Vision for Dance helps to build infrastructure, creates a procedural framework, contributes to a meaningful and successful work presentation and helps to reach out the audience and the society.



The organisation was established in 2008, as a follow-up to the informal professional platform of the same name, whose members met for the first time in January 2006. Their professional discussions and activities resulted in an initiative to create a Contemporary Dance Support Programme, which was presented at an international conference in December 2008. Since then, Vision for Dance has been an important partner for institutions in addressing professional issues, working to raise awareness of the field among the general public, or contributing substantially to the formulation of the future direction of the field.

Vize tance se zaměřuje na zlepšení podmínek pro taneční a pohybové umění a podporuje jeho rozvoj v různých oblastech. Mezi hlavní činnosti patří spolupráce s dalšími platformami a experty, oborová advokacie napříč cílovými skupinami, partnerství s institucemi řešící profesní otázky, a zvyšování povědomí o oboru u široké veřejnosti.

Vize tance se také zabývá konkrétními tématy jako je rozvoj publika a komunitní práce, definování hodnot tanečního a pohybového umění pro širokou veřejnost, uplatnění pohybového umění v dalších oborech, vymezování rámce potřeb a pracovních podmínek nezávislých profesionálů a podpora vzdělávání.

Vize tance

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